The Study of on Separation and Purification Technology of Taste Bud Cells of Mouse and Application
The Experimental and Clinical Studies of the Regeneration of Taste Bud and Lingual Nerve after Injury
Study on structure of skin gland and taste bud in Silurus meridionalis Chen
ChE + Ag + method showed that taste bud contained copious nerve ending .
Indochina in Taste Bud Arginine was present in the bud only .
Changes of Taste Bud and Fungiform Papillae after ~ ( 60 ) Co Radiation in Rat
Experimental study of the fungiform papilla and taste bud regeneration following microsurgical repair of lingual nerve in rat
Localization of p2x_2 and p2x_3 receptors in mouse pharyngeal taste bud
Researchers in Belgium found that certain taste bud receptors are most sensitive to food molecules that are at or just above room temperature .
Conclusion : ( 1 ) The fungiform papilla as well as taste bud depends on the lingual nerve .
Methods : The distribution of taste bud was observed by paraffin serial sections , the ultrastructure of taste bud was studied by trasmis-sion electron microscopy .
The strength of the hydrogen bond between H of NH3 + group and the 3rd receptor site of taste bud resolved in the intensity of sweetness .
Sour , sweet , bitter , spiciness and fishiness numb our taste bud so that we can 't taste the light sweet .
Lingual nerve not only supports fungiform papilla and taste bud , but also suppresses the filiform like degeneation of fungiform papilla .
Each taste bud is about 50 nanometers ( 50 billionths of a meter , or 164 billionths of a foot ) wide , and the bigger the fish is , the more taste buds it has .
Objective : To study whether the transfering mechanism of taste sense is from taste bud path to sensory nerve fiber of lingual papillae .
Results : Taste buds were found in the epithelium of apex linguae and circumvallate papillae ; the taste bud consisted of light cells and dark cells .